A video was captured by ABS-CBN news team and shared in the morning news show "UMAGANG KAY GANDA" The video is about a two men brawling the causes to the death of one of them.While watching the video you might think that it's only a fist fight but try to review the footage for the second time and you'll recognize that the smaller guy(Melchor Espanola)took a knife and stabbed the victim (James Chua) several times.James Chua was dead on the spot due to a multiple wound stab on his chest and neck.The suspect (Melchor Espanola) got arrasted after they quickly call a police to respond on the incident.According to the relatives of James Chua,They said that 'he shouldn't have died if the ABS-CBN news men try to intervene rather than recording the video,that coould save his life.Now Melchor Espanola is now facing cases of murder.
Video Credit:Pinoy Secret Files